If you’re on social media, you’ve probably seen the Facebook posts about parents who are now working from home referring to their children as their “coworkers." The laughter brought me to tears when I first read the comments on those posts. “Oh, this will be so entertaining,” I thought. Oh my… I’m amazed at how quickly the novelty of this situation has worn off. I find myself referring to those days as “the early days,” forgetting those were literally only six days ago.
Currently, one of my “coworkers” is crawling around under the dining room table where I’ve set up my new office. No doubt, she’s scavenging for scraps that fell during lunch as she has been stress-eating nonstop for the last several days. She also refuses to wear pants now. Meanwhile, one of my

other “coworkers,” sitting immediately to my left, is so bored he’s reading EVERYTHING in print aloud, including the upside-down label on the box that I’ve used as a makeshift riser for my laptop – while I am writing this post, which is extremely helpful. The other “coworker” is screaming in a fit of rage and banging on Play-Doh tools that aren’t cooperating immediately to my right. Did I mention all of my “coworkers” are literally within arm’s reach?
To say we’re still adjusting to our new routine and being isolated is putting it mildly, just as it has been for most people I know, but we are making it work. My oldest is doing a wonderful job helping with his younger siblings. And my husband and I are getting into a new groove juggling work, caring for our children, and household chores.
As I’m sure you are, we are anxious for some warmer, dryer spring weather as I think that will help everyone. In the meantime, while I work a lot from my laptop in the dining room or from my phone wherever I am, our family is getting some cloudy, damp outdoor time; listening to happy music and audiobooks while inside; doing lots of art; and trying to be supportive of each other and understanding of the situation. Additional patience is required and expected by all. Grace is given and received.
This is new for everyone and we’re so appreciative of our families, customers, and colleagues for being so understanding and supportive. During this challenge, all of us at Kirk & Cobb feel it’s important to stay connected with you all. Check back here for posts from our REALTORS® and staff and watch our social media presence for fun activities and information. While we realize how serious this pandemic is, we will strive to show our humanity and our senses of humor and also keep you informed.We love you all. We want you to stay safe in every sense of the word.